There is a new and free service for online audiograms. With a mp3-audiofile and a picture you can create a video with an animated sound wave. Here is the link to the service, hosted by SpareMin:
The service is based on the open-source audiogram generator by WNYC.
The good thing about it, you can also use it on your smartphone – but you need a workaround if you have an iPhone:
– First save your mp3-file to your Dropbox
– Use the Firefox browser (I had problems using the service with Safari), open the SpareMin/Audiogram-website
– Upload your mp3 via your Dropbox
– Define picture, colour, wave, caption etc.
– Once the video/audiogram has been created in Firefox, copy the direct link from the address bar (long-complicated-handle-filename-with-numbers.mp4)
– Now open Safari, paste the link
– Save the video/audiogram-file to your Dropbox
– Download it from there to your camera roll on your iPhone
– Then share it on FB, Twitter, Youtube…
Some friends were able to go through the whole process just using the Opera Browser. I wasn’t.
Android seems to be a lot easier. You can up- and download files (sound, picture, video) directly from and to the phone’s file directory. The Chrome browser handled it without causing problems.
You find my step-by-step instruction here, in German: